I don't want to risk inviting a debate here about the shape of the earth, but I think the idea that the ancients thought it was flat has been overblown. There's evidence from the ancient world that they knew it wasn't flat. Considering they didn't have pollution, screens and whatnot destroying brain cells and attention spans, I think they were probably more intelligent and much better at observing their surroundings and at processing and retaining information than we are.
Thanks for reading, Tony. I never thought I'd be a big enough Bible nerd to fangirl over certain Bible scholars, but I'm definitely a Heiser fangirl. I'm still so sad about his passing, but he left behind a rich body of work that really helped to transform my relationship with scripture.
I had a frightening personal encounter with a ghostly being. I’m so practical if it hadn’t happened to me I would doubt this happens at all. I’ve found no way to explain this. This was years ago in a house my sister and her husband purchased. We were young and always getting together to hang out. Most of our friends in the group had an encounter. I appreciate your looking at this phenomenon in light of scripture.
I think probably a lot of people, if not the majority, have had similar experiences that they either managed to find a way to explain to themselves or they just don't like to talk about. I've had my own experiences that I don't know how to explain.
This was a fascinating read! I have not found many essays or articles talking about ghosts and hauntings from an Evangelical perspective, so I found this really interesting! As a Catholic, the concept of Purgatory opens the door for further speculation about the nature of ghosts. I’m not an expert in this, by any means, but the Catholic perspective holds with much of what you discussed in regard to God allowing souls in Heaven or Hell to appear on Earth.
Your comment about souls not necessary immediately going straight to Heaven or Hell was interesting to me, as that is the essential idea of the Catholic concept of Purgatory, that some souls may need time to prepare, recover from a traumatic death, spiritually heal, etc., before being ready to embrace their entrance to Heaven. Not trying to incite a debate, just trying to explain the perspective. 😊
Some Catholics approach ghostly apparitions from this perspective, that some of the occurrences may be caused by souls in Purgatory, in addition to what you mentioned about souls in Heaven or Hell. I have a couple resources I could share if you would like to hear about it from someone more eloquent and educated in the topic than I am!
I also find place hauntings fascinating and would love to learn more about them!
Thanks for sharing a Catholic perspective, Bridget! I actually would be interested in those resources. I'd love to research the origins of the doctrine of Purgatory and it sounds like that might be a good starting point.
This website has some good information as well, although it gets into the weeds a little bit with who wrote what at which council: https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12575a.htm
Many eons ago, humanity had the theory the Earth was flat and many were convinced that if you sailed to the edge, you’d fall off, never to be seen again. I think it was their way of explaining a ship lost at sea, who knows. Whatever the reason, it was a belief of many for a long time. Until someone with a different idea came along. Fast forward and now we know the Earth is in fact round (though there are still some who dispute this).
My point is, do I believe in ghosts? Not really. But, I’m also open to the possibility of being wrong. I think the chance of being reconnected to our lost loved ones is a very appealing idea, and every theory is open to interpretation. I do like the notion of being able to know what it’s like on the other side.
This was so interesting! I don't usually see the Christian perspective on this topic, and as a spiritual person myself, it was a great read. My mindset on the possibility of ghosts has always been "anything is possible." I also was able to learn some new stuff from this, so thank you!
I don't have a fascination per say, but thanks Jean for bringing clarity to this subject. It shed light on some questions I had. Your writing never disappoints. ❤️
Big believer, right here! 👋🏼 I don't hear or see ghosts/spectral activity (thank goodness). I have more of a clairsentience sort of thing going on. I really appreciated your POV on this subject, especially since I have not studied the Bible in any sort of way since college.
And if you ever want to talk more ghosts, or maybe talk to my cousin who works as a psychic and medium, let me know! 🤗🙏🏼
I've dipped a toe into Cafe Olla and definitely want to read more, but that's all too far in the deep end of the pool for me. I'm fascinated by this stuff, but from a distance. I don't want to get too close to anything that even has a slight potential to invite more demonic harassment into my life.
Hi, Jean. Thank you for waiting! Would you be open to emailing me at stayfreeandcrafty@gmail.com? It's a hopeful message I have to bring you. It's from a "light" source, I promise. It's also okay, if you are not up for it now. 😌
Maribel, I appreciate you and your intentions. But Scripture tells me to have nothing to do with these things, and I'm going to obey. Scripture also says that there's only one true Light, and that's Jesus. He's all the light I want or need. I hope you're very careful, because the fallen know how to appear as angels of light. I've been deceived by them before, but praise God, he rescued me and I'm not going to give them another foothold into my life or thoughts.
Oh, Jean, I completely and respectfully understand!! I hope you did not take offense by my offer. If it helps, my cousin (a Christian woman) wants to help you. But she also totally understands where you are coming from.
And thank you for the heartfelt concern, I will certainly be very careful! Don't worry, it's in my blood. 😉 None of us can deny who we are, I believe. And both of us are doing just that. You in your faith and me in mine. 💚 If you ever change your mind, let me know. Again, just offering a feather of hope.
Thank you. No offense either taken or intended. Also, it seems I wasn't clear that the harassment I spoke of is a thing of the past. I was delivered from it years ago. I just don't want to invite it back! But I appreciate your and your cousin's concern.
What an insightful article, Jean Marie. I liked how you offered a variety of explanations for the presence of ghosts. This is one that stumps me and has for years. Like you, I was taught that all ghosts were demons in disguise. But those same passages of scripture you mentioned make me wonder . . .
One quick clarification question: You said that Sheol has bars to prevent escape, however, someone could conceivably be let out. But I was confused when you said, "After all, God clearly allowed Samuel out long enough to deliver his message of doom to Saul." But wouldn't Samuel be in Paradise, not Sheol? Maybe I misread or misunderstood what you meant here--just curious.
As far as I understand it, the OT view of Sheol was simply the realm of the dead, both righteous and unrighteous, and Paradise/Abraham's Bosom was located within Sheol/Hades. It wasn't until after Jesus conquered death that Paradise was relocated to Heaven. So though Samuel would have presumably been in Paradise, he was still, also, in Sheol.
Consciousness is definitely one of the most compelling arguments for the existence of God/the supernatural. Descartes' Meditations is a must-read regarding that issue. Fun article!
An awesome read. I'm nowhere close to being religious so learning about ghosts from biblical perspective was a first for me. But it was really cool!
On the "Do you believe" question. I've always been on the fence. Despite not being religious I still think there are some forces at play in the universe that we haven't discovered yet (and maybe never will) and some of them can maybe trap your spirit or soul to the ghost form when you die. Who knows. I simultaniously really like and dislike the idea they might exist. Their existence scare me and at the same time I feel like the world would get a bit more boring if there was no shot of them ever being here with us.
Thanks for the clarification, Jean Marie! I was wondering. I think Heiser was on to something, and will spend some time with him... people ask me what I think about what happens when we die, and it seems you and I largely agree. =)
I don't want to risk inviting a debate here about the shape of the earth, but I think the idea that the ancients thought it was flat has been overblown. There's evidence from the ancient world that they knew it wasn't flat. Considering they didn't have pollution, screens and whatnot destroying brain cells and attention spans, I think they were probably more intelligent and much better at observing their surroundings and at processing and retaining information than we are.
Thanks for reading, Tony. I never thought I'd be a big enough Bible nerd to fangirl over certain Bible scholars, but I'm definitely a Heiser fangirl. I'm still so sad about his passing, but he left behind a rich body of work that really helped to transform my relationship with scripture.
I had a frightening personal encounter with a ghostly being. I’m so practical if it hadn’t happened to me I would doubt this happens at all. I’ve found no way to explain this. This was years ago in a house my sister and her husband purchased. We were young and always getting together to hang out. Most of our friends in the group had an encounter. I appreciate your looking at this phenomenon in light of scripture.
I think probably a lot of people, if not the majority, have had similar experiences that they either managed to find a way to explain to themselves or they just don't like to talk about. I've had my own experiences that I don't know how to explain.
This was a fascinating read! I have not found many essays or articles talking about ghosts and hauntings from an Evangelical perspective, so I found this really interesting! As a Catholic, the concept of Purgatory opens the door for further speculation about the nature of ghosts. I’m not an expert in this, by any means, but the Catholic perspective holds with much of what you discussed in regard to God allowing souls in Heaven or Hell to appear on Earth.
Your comment about souls not necessary immediately going straight to Heaven or Hell was interesting to me, as that is the essential idea of the Catholic concept of Purgatory, that some souls may need time to prepare, recover from a traumatic death, spiritually heal, etc., before being ready to embrace their entrance to Heaven. Not trying to incite a debate, just trying to explain the perspective. 😊
Some Catholics approach ghostly apparitions from this perspective, that some of the occurrences may be caused by souls in Purgatory, in addition to what you mentioned about souls in Heaven or Hell. I have a couple resources I could share if you would like to hear about it from someone more eloquent and educated in the topic than I am!
I also find place hauntings fascinating and would love to learn more about them!
Thanks for sharing a Catholic perspective, Bridget! I actually would be interested in those resources. I'd love to research the origins of the doctrine of Purgatory and it sounds like that might be a good starting point.
Okay! I pulled together a few more in-depth, theological resources, along with a couple essays that I found.
Here's a link to the section of the Catechism that specifically talks about Purgatory: https://www.usccb.org/sites/default/files/flipbooks/catechism/270/
This website has some good information as well, although it gets into the weeds a little bit with who wrote what at which council: https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12575a.htm
Here's a (fairly long) theological discussion about the teaching: https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?recnum=4677
This is a more imaginative essay that discusses our perception of Purgatory by comparing it to science fiction: https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2018/11/01/catholics-have-purgatory-and-imagination-problem?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA_tuuBhAUEiwAvxkgTmdyX2jFMD-jM0NCqomXM5kCAsfiiQprAR3ghH3ULrzenXOXPBqMSRoCFqMQAvD_BwE
And, just for fun, this is an episode from one of my favorite podcasts, in which they talk about place hauntings and other paranormal phenomena: https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2018/11/01/catholics-have-purgatory-and-imagination-problem?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA_tuuBhAUEiwAvxkgTmdyX2jFMD-jM0NCqomXM5kCAsfiiQprAR3ghH3ULrzenXOXPBqMSRoCFqMQAvD_BwE
This is the second time this week I've shared a link to this show. They should be paying me lol!
Awesome. Thanks so much for this! And I'm enough of a nerd to care about who wrote what at which council. 😅
Many eons ago, humanity had the theory the Earth was flat and many were convinced that if you sailed to the edge, you’d fall off, never to be seen again. I think it was their way of explaining a ship lost at sea, who knows. Whatever the reason, it was a belief of many for a long time. Until someone with a different idea came along. Fast forward and now we know the Earth is in fact round (though there are still some who dispute this).
My point is, do I believe in ghosts? Not really. But, I’m also open to the possibility of being wrong. I think the chance of being reconnected to our lost loved ones is a very appealing idea, and every theory is open to interpretation. I do like the notion of being able to know what it’s like on the other side.
This was so interesting! I don't usually see the Christian perspective on this topic, and as a spiritual person myself, it was a great read. My mindset on the possibility of ghosts has always been "anything is possible." I also was able to learn some new stuff from this, so thank you!
Thank you so much! I'm glad you got something out of it.
I don't have a fascination per say, but thanks Jean for bringing clarity to this subject. It shed light on some questions I had. Your writing never disappoints. ❤️
Thank you! I'm glad I could help provide some clarity.
Big believer, right here! 👋🏼 I don't hear or see ghosts/spectral activity (thank goodness). I have more of a clairsentience sort of thing going on. I really appreciated your POV on this subject, especially since I have not studied the Bible in any sort of way since college.
And if you ever want to talk more ghosts, or maybe talk to my cousin who works as a psychic and medium, let me know! 🤗🙏🏼
I've dipped a toe into Cafe Olla and definitely want to read more, but that's all too far in the deep end of the pool for me. I'm fascinated by this stuff, but from a distance. I don't want to get too close to anything that even has a slight potential to invite more demonic harassment into my life.
Ah, thank you for checking it out! Appreciate you. 🙏🏼
And I totally get it! Mad respect. 💪🏼
As for the spiritual harassment - please hold. ✨
Hi, Jean. Thank you for waiting! Would you be open to emailing me at stayfreeandcrafty@gmail.com? It's a hopeful message I have to bring you. It's from a "light" source, I promise. It's also okay, if you are not up for it now. 😌
Maribel, I appreciate you and your intentions. But Scripture tells me to have nothing to do with these things, and I'm going to obey. Scripture also says that there's only one true Light, and that's Jesus. He's all the light I want or need. I hope you're very careful, because the fallen know how to appear as angels of light. I've been deceived by them before, but praise God, he rescued me and I'm not going to give them another foothold into my life or thoughts.
Oh, Jean, I completely and respectfully understand!! I hope you did not take offense by my offer. If it helps, my cousin (a Christian woman) wants to help you. But she also totally understands where you are coming from.
And thank you for the heartfelt concern, I will certainly be very careful! Don't worry, it's in my blood. 😉 None of us can deny who we are, I believe. And both of us are doing just that. You in your faith and me in mine. 💚 If you ever change your mind, let me know. Again, just offering a feather of hope.
Thank you. No offense either taken or intended. Also, it seems I wasn't clear that the harassment I spoke of is a thing of the past. I was delivered from it years ago. I just don't want to invite it back! But I appreciate your and your cousin's concern.
Glad to hear it's in your past! 🤗🙏🏼 My cousin calls you a "Prayer Warrior." 💚 And I said, yeah that sounds about right! 🕊️
What an insightful article, Jean Marie. I liked how you offered a variety of explanations for the presence of ghosts. This is one that stumps me and has for years. Like you, I was taught that all ghosts were demons in disguise. But those same passages of scripture you mentioned make me wonder . . .
One quick clarification question: You said that Sheol has bars to prevent escape, however, someone could conceivably be let out. But I was confused when you said, "After all, God clearly allowed Samuel out long enough to deliver his message of doom to Saul." But wouldn't Samuel be in Paradise, not Sheol? Maybe I misread or misunderstood what you meant here--just curious.
As far as I understand it, the OT view of Sheol was simply the realm of the dead, both righteous and unrighteous, and Paradise/Abraham's Bosom was located within Sheol/Hades. It wasn't until after Jesus conquered death that Paradise was relocated to Heaven. So though Samuel would have presumably been in Paradise, he was still, also, in Sheol.
Oh, okay, thank you for clarifying that. I always thought of Sheol as just plain Hades--that's helpful. :)
Consciousness is definitely one of the most compelling arguments for the existence of God/the supernatural. Descartes' Meditations is a must-read regarding that issue. Fun article!
An awesome read. I'm nowhere close to being religious so learning about ghosts from biblical perspective was a first for me. But it was really cool!
On the "Do you believe" question. I've always been on the fence. Despite not being religious I still think there are some forces at play in the universe that we haven't discovered yet (and maybe never will) and some of them can maybe trap your spirit or soul to the ghost form when you die. Who knows. I simultaniously really like and dislike the idea they might exist. Their existence scare me and at the same time I feel like the world would get a bit more boring if there was no shot of them ever being here with us.
Thanks for the clarification, Jean Marie! I was wondering. I think Heiser was on to something, and will spend some time with him... people ask me what I think about what happens when we die, and it seems you and I largely agree. =)
Thanks! Glad you decided to haunt my space. 👻
Bookmarking it!